Maximism roadmap

I believe that awakening to the truth can be rather collective and perhaps also mechanical. Like the end of the Soviet Union we're nearing on the end of the current economical system, whether you wish to call it late-stage capitalism or technofeodalism. I don't think there are any valid playbooks out there for a better world yet as all the previous (communism red, dollar green, coal gray,oil brown) have a fatal flaw. The flaw is that somehow we think that if we reward a human with extreme wealth and power they become grounded, moral and even based decision makers creating a world that respects human rights. All the plans so far are counting on the hermetical and air-conditioned luxury living (or wannabe's) to make sound decisions.

One good example of the collective lie, and a huge low-hanging fruit, is our diet. Quite clearly nobody is daring to say that only universal diet that provides justice to all beings and also future generations is vegan. To say this out loud is considered to put a blame on individual. When it is close to being a law of physics or ethics. By allowing this line of thinking to be banned from the sustainability conversation we're stopping any real progress that would be available by just stating the truth. Not everyone can go full retard vegan, but everyone who has a bit of free will and morals should try to go as vegan as can. Now this is pretty much ruled out by a unwritten taboo.

The future I am seeing is based on few simple rules that reverse the luxury-leader-paradigm that not so surprisingly does not come alive only by asking the current leaders "pretty please,live like a decent human being?".

  • Never trust (vote/buy/...) a leader who cannot live like a normal human being. I mean a median citizen lifestyle (a honest lifestyle and not greenwashed and compensated luxury lied to be normal). If the normal citizen of the leaders nation is well belowe the EU2030 target of 2500 kg (remember honest again) emissions then the normal should be considered this 2500'ish lifestyle
  • Nerver trust a leader that has not published their maxims/principles/rule of thumbs that guide their decision making in personal life and concerning other beings
  • Never trust a leader who has not proven they're capable of understanding the universal ethical principles (what would happen if 8 billion humans would do this) and have at least some track record of appying those to the real world (check Epic Praxis later on)
  • Never trust a leader who does not dare to ponder on the individual lifestyle that is excessive for anyone(the starting point could perhaps be the lifestyle of the millionaires and the pondering of the wellbeing vs. emissions ratio of a single habit that can be viewed in terms of maxims)
  • Never trust a leader who trusts in business as usual approach and is not willing to put any skin in the game
  • Never trust a leader that cannot state out loud that current normal means banal evil and extinction. And that unconventional (a better world for Kohlberg's post-conventional) and the future is out of the comfort zone of thinking.

Nothing here is carved in stone but a living experience but it draws a picture clear enough for you to perform and experiment in the next election or once you next have a chat with someone pretending to be a leader who wants a better future for us.

I have tried this process myself and felt it to be a great tool for self reflection, immense progress in terms of habit changes (and knowledge of habitual/systemic change) and also the learning limitations of human nature. I've went from bacon & butter guy to vegan, ditched my car, quit flying, stopped getting wasted... Most of it can be done by individual learningn, trial and error and self binding. But the endgame should still be that leaders will do the process and apply the results to a system where living like a decent human being is possible instead of the social darwinist playground it currently is.

I am not asking for a single leader to do more than I have on a individual level, but am demanding viciously for single one talking about justice to give it a honest try. I dare you. I fucking double dare you.

The timeline

Here is a timeline for the evolution of a idea currently called as maximism. Maxim comes from word meaning principle or rule of thumb most notably known via Immanuel Kant's Categorical Imperative. What I'm trying to achieve with this compulsion is better leaders who know the real world and cannot be corrupted by hermetic air-conditioned luxury lives. This idea will challenge the core of the dollar green movement where sustainable is achieved by flying to conferences about sustainability. Catherine Liu calls this type of people Professional Managerial Class. I call this the paradox segment that us, the good guys, are allowin but should not allow to exist. And I call the phenomenon Eco-normalisation.

This is a quick and dirty summary that has not been proof read or polished to the gold standard of AI era bullshit. The intention is to move from philosophical, ethical or scientific circlejerking and endless delaying by waiting for absolute scientific causation to doing something in person instead of waiting for someone else to do the work. Copy & Paste all you wish from these tests, and should you feel like it, link somewhere around this. If you wish to contact me feel free to send a connection request in LinkedIn or email epasovinnainen (ät)

3TA - Three Ton Army

Kolmen Tonnin Armeija was the first test in Finnish. It rather naively seems to suggest that should people be aware of the sustainable lifestyle and the dissonance associated with the current one, we'd change. It was written to test communal election candidates while I was performing personal experiments on reducing my impact on the physical world and starting to test the expansion on the impact on the metaphysical world. I had no fucking clue on deontology or moral psychology at the time. However I had come up with my own version of the universal ethical principles called "kaikessa ei oo vittu aina kyse musta" which translates somewhat into "its not always all about only me" which made the later introductions to Kant & Rawls & Golden rule feel warm and fuzzy. I pretty much made it to the 3 ton impact with no negative aspects I can think of. So I'm not asking for the wannabe-good-guy-leaders to try anything I haven't first tried myself.


Eco-normalisation is a concept that takes its name from hypernormalisation. Hypernormalisation was coined by Alexei Yurchak Alexei Yurchak's 2006 book Everything was Forever, Until it was No More which described the end of the soviet times. The term was popularized a bit by Adam Curtis's movie with the same title.

Everyone sensed that the system was not working. The social norm was so propagandized that no one could think of an alternative. Workers knew that bosses and leaders were corrupt and bosses and leaders knew that workers knew. The system was unsustainable. A post-truth system.

A similar reality is currently active within the greenwashing movement. Everyone knows that the top 20% of people are producing over two-thirds of the emissions. People in the top twenty percent are running around in circles trying to figure how to reduce twenty gigatonnes of emissions. From the lower 80% that produce a bit over ten. So that the top guys wouldn’t have to change their ways any more than cosmetic changes in diet or buying another car with lower emissions. Talking about your own or your friend’s carbon quota is taboo. Especially in the political green circles. Try to ask about the consensus of an exemplary or reasonable quota and you’ll get stonewalled. Too uncomfortable and painful a question. This is econormalisation.

Eco-normalisation introduces the paradox segment with consumption limits that seem too harsh these days.

The Median Army

Limits of reasonable was a kind of a summary that introduces an important core mechanism of the maximism: Bernays and Bacon. On how we change the world by coercing our wannabe-good-guy-leaders to figure out that they are what they eat. Walk the talk and lead by fucking example. And to us that the world is shaped by who we allow to lead it.

Aluevaalit (in Finnish) is an experiment conducted during Finnish wellbeing services county (hyvinvointialue) election. The campaign had a tagline that asked the candidates that: "would it be possible for a decision maker wannabe to live like 50% of Finns already do?. Obviously that was an impossible question to ask. At least during that time."

Parliamentary election campaign (in Finnish) that had a similar tagline to the wellbeing services county election. I also applied to be a candidate for the green party stating strongly at the interview that "You're going down the drain with the current centrist style". The interview was fucking hilarious one (ask Hannu or Elmeri) and naturally I was rejected for this blasphemy.

Epäsovinnainen kestävyyskilpailu (post-conventional sustainability contest) is a contest with real $$$ (a thousand euro) price that asks a question about the honesty of buying fake feelgood tokens (compensation as a form of indulgences of catholic church) from fossil companies and other fake boutiques to sleep well after a day of intolerable consumption. Price is out for grabs until march 2025 so if you have some creative sense of humor invent and indulgence outrageous enough and Bob's your fucking uncle.

12 steps testing was a angry and frustrated bedtime story comparing the human predicament with addiction and presenting 12 steps approach for anyone BEING the systemic level change. There is a fake bullshit world that is immoral but all the leaders keep LARPing it with enthusiasm, not totally unlike addiction, thus presenting radical honesty instead of the fakeness as the cure.

The most recent one: Epic Praxis - The Maximist Manifesto
Drake telling you to Epic Praxis or GTFO.

Did you know that if word went vegan and would force the top few percent to live like a reasonable being we'd be net zero. It aint that fucking hard once you have the right leaders in place. So go as vegan as you can and start annoying your leaders or be a force for banal evil.

And so the post-totalitarian system behaved in a characteristic way: it defended the integrity of the world of appearances in order to defend itself. For the crust presented by the life of lies is made of strange stuff. As long as it seals off hermetically the entire society, it appears to be made of stone. But the moment someone breaks through in one place, when one person cries out, "The emperor is naked!"—when a single person breaks the rules of the game, thus exposing it as a game—everything suddenly appears in another light and the whole crust seems then to be made of a tissue on the point of tearing and disintegrating uncontrollably.”

- Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless